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Every year I am amazed at how busy the last 5 weeks of the year can be for so many people. Shopping, extra parties, making special meals, perhaps traveling to visit, guests coming into town. The whirl can be exhausting. And trying to carry on the regular responsibilities of life while squeezing in the extra expectations and obligations leads many people to be frazzled and stretched to the breaking point.  Of course, many of the obligations and expectations are self-chosen. After all we don’t want to miss out. The reason at the heart of it all can easily be forgotten. Christmas is not simply a midwinter holiday, (in Australia it’s a summer holiday often at the beach!). Christmas marks the birth of Jesus. All the special events and celebrations are at heart simply a reflection of the great gift that God gave to us and all mankind when he gave us himself in the work and person of Jesus the Christ.

One thing all religions agree on is that this world doesn’t function the way it should. The violence, greed, selfishness and even indifference to the plight of others, that fills our world, (and perhaps our own lives), shows that something is wrong.  Christians call that “wrong thing” sin. Christmas is when God entered the world to fix what was wrong. No wonder we celebrate. There is finally a way out and deliverance.

To help us all to keep the real reason for the season in the center of the last few weeks of the year, Our Sunday Worship services, and Bible Studies will focus on some of the names of Jesus from Isaiah. These names include Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and finally Prince of Peace. He is the Prince of Peace because of the forgiveness he brings to us to counter the sin in our lives and in our world. His forgiveness is really the only thing that can give us peace.

Not to add to the busyness, but to give you a calm spot in the “storm” we will have midweek worship centered on the theme of “His Gospel is Peace” We will meet Wednesdays in December at 6 PM for a simple potluck and then worship at 7 PM. We always have room for your friends and neighbors. They need some peace too!


Pastor Andrew