LWML Mission Statement

Our Mission: As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others.

Orphan Grain Train: Workdays are the 2nd and 4th Saturdays, 8am to noon. At 10:00 AM will be our “mandatory” break for prayer, fellowship, and refreshments. Come for as many hours as your schedule permits. Our address is 1329 N 29th Ave, Suite E-15, Phoenix, AZ Our front door faces I-10 (Take McDowell Rd to 29th Ave, we are 2 blocks south of McDowell Rd. See our sign by the gate) Secretary Susan Thomas @ 480.621.9251; 414sthomas@gmail.com

Mite Sunday March 30 – There will be a 2nd freewill offering taken at the 8am and 11am services. Your offering will help support missions locally, nationally, and internationally. See p.9 in the newsletter for where the mite offerings help people in need.